Early day today, but we slept in until 5:30. We were on the road at 7 and we were pretty sure we were going to go for the 96 mile destination. Weather was good and there wasn’t any chance of rain until mid-afternoon. Turns out it never did rain, and the riding was flat! Something only cyclists will understand, but 603 feet in 80 miles is pretty flat. Not western Ohio flat, but flat! The last 20 miles to our warm showers host in Nicolet was a little more rolling and we ended up with 95.5 miles and 1,373 ft of “climbing.” I was pretty tired, but John said it was all he could do to draft me, so I was happy I wasn’t a slouch! He’s been on the road since April from Albuquerque and I was worried about not having enough miles under me.
We’ll be tested again on day 4 as we have at least 75, but maybe 90 again. We have a warm showers host at 75, but not sure if it’s camping or not. 90 is a Comfort Inn in Levis where we’re holding reservations.
But, I’m ahead of myself on the morning of Day 4. Day 3 overnight was at Claude’s and he was kind enough to leave the door open for us for access to the bathroom. Before setting up though, we headed across the street to Theo Restaurant and were served by the owner. We didn’t know that at the time, but found out when we returned for breakfast on D4.
Ahead of myself again. We finished dinner and headed back to Claude’s to set up camp. We were settled in by 9:30 for a good night’s sleep. We got our expected rain around 1 am and it was quite a downpour. Stayed dry though and got up at 6:30, packed up, and went back to Theo’s for breakfast. More about that on D4.