A very restful night thanks to our wonderful warm showers host Jannette. Her house set up was amazing-we had our own suite complete with a kitchen and full bath.
On the way from Lexington on Sunday, we found the Bulleit distillery and stopped in, had a mini tasting, and bought a small bottle of their bourbon. We shared that with Jannette, and she shared some of hers & brought out old-fashioned fixings. It was a lovely night on the top deck watching the sunset and having great conversations.
The weather was cloudy again as we packed up and got our bikes ready to go. We rode into Louisville through the very cool Cherokee Park, and enjoyed the neighborhoods we passed through – very small bungalows painted and decorated to make them each owner’s own style . In Lexington, we tried to visit the Angels Envy distillery, but they didn’t seem much interested in having us. So, we moved on to Evan Williams which we found was closed but we did get a good tour of the riverfront in Louisville including steamboats. We also did a tasting at the Evergreen liquor store. They were much more accommodating than the distilleries. After one flight, we were ready to hit the road to Indiana. We crossed the Big four ped/bike bridge and hit the Ohio River trail in Indiana. That was great until we hit the bluffs and then start climbing, which itself wasn’t so bad. However, that up and down rollercoastery riding continued for miles and miles. We were both pretty tired by late afternoon and still had 30 miles to cover to get to our campground. We switched routes and got on the Indiana 64 highway which was much less rolly, but still a challenge; pretty good shoulders though.
We stopped at the JayC grocery store in English before heading to the campground and got dinner and some things for breakfast. Getting to the campground that last 4 miles turned out to be its own challenge as there were three steep hills between us and the camp. We got in, set up camp, got showers, had dinner and made a fire and we’re just about ready to turn in.