Backtracking a bit to Saturday morning, Aug 13th. We left Paris and headed to Lexington to hopefully meet up with Lori at the West Sixth Brewery after the Lexington bike group’s Saturday morning ride. Despite Google maps happily sending us down a dead end street, we managed to make it there by sending ourselves down Hwy 64 again. We met a few of the Lex cyclists, had a beer and more conversation with Lori and took a walk around the neighborhood. 28 miles to the Brewery and another 11 miles of errands and touring,
We went to the hotel and checked in, and headed back to town (2 miles) and Dana went to The Bluegrass Distillery for a tour and sampling, And I headed off to the bike shop.
Lori said the group suggested Pedal Power bike shop. They were great and took me in right away. Nothing wrong with the front wheel-good spoke tension, a slight truing adjustment but nothing major. AND they didn’t charge me. Bike still shimmies at high speed, but it’s not the front wheel. Load balance, or just my inexperience with fully loaded touring bike. At least my big concern about the front wheel was alleviated – it’s not about to break a spoke. Plus, I did get a spare tube for Dana’s bike. Interestingly, if I use less pressure on the handlebars, the shimmying goes away. Or at least diminishes some.
After I was done with the bike shop and Dana was done with her tour, we did a walking and then biking tour of Lexington, and the UK campus. We ended up downtown and visited a few bars and met some cool people, ate Mexican, and headed back to the hotel on the Legacy bikeway. Lexington has a pretty good bike infrastructure, lots of lanes, lots of sharrows, and that Legacy trail that runs right through the city.