August 7, 2022 on

Month: September 2024

NS & PEI – Home Again

Saturday, September 8, 2024, 0 cycling miles, 5.5 miles hiking: We drove from 4:30 pm to about 2:30 am then pulled into a rest stop in MA to catch little sleep (4 hrs) before continuing on. Now, if you know Dana, you probably know about Dana Head. No movement or exercise for too long and, well, it’s not pretty. So, she found Bennett’s Pond State Park, a short detour off our route, with lots of hiking trails. We got to the park around 8, picked a trail and started out.

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NS & PEI – Day 18 – Last Day

Friday, September 6, 2024, 9 miles: Our last day in NS. We packed the car, checked out of the hotel and headed to a local park next to a police station to stash the car for the day. The it was back on the bikes across the bridge to Halifax yet again to check out some more recommended sights to see.

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NS & PEI – Day 15 – Five Islands

Tuesday, September 3, 2004, 29.9 miles: When we get back from one of our trips, we often look at each other and say, “Well, it wasn’t a relaxing vacation!” With some resistance, I reluctantly agreed to riding to a hike. This meant another trek over the logging road we used on our first day to PEI and a 15+/- mile ride to the Five Islands Provincial Park and good hiking as we’d been told.

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NS & PEI – Day 14 – Return to Parrsboro

Monday, September 2, 2004, 46 miles: After breakfast at the motel, we took and a walk past the windmills dotting the landscape. It’s Labour Day in Canada as it is in the U.S., and we expected quiet roads and a pleasant and rain-free ride back to Parrsboro. We weren’t disappointed as we followed Routes 302 and 2, somewhat windy and mostly flat roads that took us the 39 miles back “home.”

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NS & PEI – Day 13 – Back to NS

Sunday, September 1, 2004, 66 miles: We had a mostly restful night, even with the wind. We packed up, loaded the bikes and headed for McDonald’s for coffee and free wi-fi, and to check out the weather report for the day. Didn’t look like there were going to be any downpours, but we might have rain for our morning ride to the Confederation Bridge.

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