Monday, September 2, 2004, 46 miles: After breakfast at the motel, we took and a walk past the windmills dotting the landscape. It’s Labour Day in Canada as it is in the U.S., and we expected quiet roads and a pleasant and rain-free ride back to Parrsboro. We weren’t disappointed as we followed Routes 302 and 2, somewhat windy and mostly flat roads that took us the 39 miles back “home.”
We landed back in Parrsboro mid-afternoon and most everything was closed except for our favorite stop in the town, the Two Islands Brewery. We had a beer and then went to visit Johnny Hollywood to scope out “renting” (by donation) kayaks or a canoe later in the week.
I mentioned JH in an earlier post, but we never had met him until today. Quite a character. He told us his origin story and how his father had this little spot of land and how he proceeded to built a little hut on it, stymieing the local code enforcers every step of the way by limiting the square footage and not physically attaching the deck to the main building. The shack, which he left open and stocked with soda and candy available for an offering, was only about 400 sq. ft., but he seemed comfortable enough. He also started a taxi business at the height of the COVID pandemic, delivering food and meds to the locals who didn’t want to chance venturing out. Quite a character, and we spent a while chatting with him before we rode the last 7 miles to the house.
Stats for our PEI Trip, Aug 25-Sep 2: 9 days, 469 miles, 15,031 feet of climbing Average of 52 miles per day, 32 ft per mile (that’s almost nothing but flat!). 3 warm shower nights, 2 motel nights, and 3 nights camping.
Total miles on this trip so far for Paul is 498, and 535 for Dana.