Friday, September 6, 2024, 9 miles: Our last day in NS. We packed the car, checked out of the hotel and headed to a local park next to a police station to stash the car for the day. The it was back on the bikes across the bridge to Halifax yet again to check out some more recommended sights to see.
The Halifax Central Library was on our list and we headed there only to find that the librarians were on strike and the building was closed. We tried to get a glimpse of the inside, got a few photos of the outside (click here to see much better photos of the library), then headed for a stroll around the area.
That stroll took us through some interesting neighborhoods — obviously 1800s era storefronts right next to a high rise — and then on to the Halifax Citadel, the highest point on the shore and an obvious place to put a fort if you were a 18th century defender. It was a nice hike up to the Citadel where we found at least 5 tourist busses and hoards of tourists outside the wall being held back by the park staff. Turns out we were lucky enough to be there right at noon when they fire off a canon. While we didn’t get a video ourselves as we had no idea what was happening until it was over, there’s a video with an explanation below.
Given the size of the line waiting to get in, we opted to just walk around the perimeter and head back into town where we found the beautiful Public Gardens. We made our through the park and back to the library. We picked up our bikes and headed back across the Macdonald bridge to downtown Dartmouth for a late lunch before cycling back to the car for our ride home. We lunched at the Wooden Monkey, climbed a very formidable hill and made our way back to the park and the car and took off for home. Goodbye Nova Scotia — good to see you!
Total miles on this trip: Paul – 594.7, Dana – 629.7 .