Short note today and no pics since I can’t get to WiFi on my phone. Will update tomorrow.
Albanel to Parc National de Pointe Taillon
48 miles, 558 ft of climbing. Started off with a clear sky and sun, but chilly at 51 degrees. Easy ride today included a short, pontoon boat ferry ride to the national park. We’re camping tonight and it promises to be a chilly one.
I woke up with conjunctivitis in my left eye. I know this because it happened a few months ago. Fortunately, pharmacists in Quebec can dispense antibiotics for a number of ailments and this is one of them. I can’t wear my contacts for a few days so I’ve been riding without. One of the benefits of aging is that my distance vision is getting better so I can do without contacts or glasses and be fine. Tomorrow it’s back to Saguenay after completing the circle around St. Jean’s Lake.
Update Aug 1, 10:49. Another short one, but I did add the pics from yesterday. Quick synopsis: Great, flat ride, beautiful day, ferry ride, blueberry picking, squirrel gnawing through my pannier strap (I caught him (or her) putting his nose into the bag and whacked him with a box of granola bars — he jumped onto the tree at my face level and was challenging me, like, “Hey, that’s mine!” I dug out my sewing kit and put the strap on enough so that I can still make the bag watertight. Damned squirrel!). Ok, continuing with the synopsis: made camp on a sandy beach, went to bed, rained thrice, slept long enough for the tents to be dry packed in the a.m.

Boo for the return conjunctivitis, but hooray for rational and accessible healthcare!