August 7, 2022 on

CC Day 61 – Unexpected Reunion

Still a mild reaction to the vaccine, so I rode to Salinas and made a quick stop at the John Steinbeck house and museum before getting on the train to San Luis Obispo (SLO). There, I’ll do a short ride to Morro Bay State Park and camp. Hoping to connect up with John, Luke, and Harald tomorrow at least for a day or two.

I wrote that on the train on my way to SLO. After arriving in SLO, I rode around the town a bit, snap a pic of the entrance to Cal Poly, then headed to Morro Bay through the thickening fog. In Los Osos, I stopped for groceries and shared my location with John & Luke who I thought were staying in a State Park another 15 miles north. In less than a minute my phone rang and it was John. They were in the Morro Bay campground! I picked up a few things and headed to them. I hadn’t definitively told them I was coming, so meeting up today was a great surprise for all of us. I set up camp, had dinner and then the fire, and a nice restful night. Also met Simon and Elise who were at the hiker-biker site, too.

1 Comment

  1. Hendrika Spykerman

    Oh just a little jealous but happy that you found our 3 amigos. Are you going to ride with them for a while?
    My bike went bavk to the shop. Not able to find the problem. Frustrating to say the least.
    Give my love to our “kids” and to you from Hendrika

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