August 7, 2022 on

Month: November 2022 (Page 2 of 2)

CC Day 90 – Nothing to see here

Friday November 4, 2022 San Antonio->New Orleans. Chili was so kind as to drive me to Amtrak which saved me from getting up at 3 and on the road by 3:30 to ride the 20+ plus miles to the station for the 5:40 closing of baggage check and a 6:25 departure. Such a nice person and such a nice couple!

The 15 hour trip to NOLA was uneventful and that’s about the best you can expect. Amtrak train status updates varied from being an hour and a half early to an hour early to half an hour early, but the reality was we got in about 10 minutes before the scheduled time.

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CC Day 89

Thursday, November 3, Schertz & San Antonio TX. Another week, more great family, friends and hosts. Claire, Dave, & Regina earlier this week and now Chili and Peggy.

This morning, Chili and Peggy took me to the Mercado (Market) in San Antonio. Tuesday was Dia de Muertos, Day of the Dead, and Mexican tradition is to build an altar with pictures of relatives who have passed surrounded by things they loved in life. Watch “Coco” for an entertaining and culturally accurate and informative animated treatment of Dia de Muertos.

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CC Day 88 – Back to San Antonio

After a couple cups of coffee and muffins & PB, I packed up Papa Hobo once again and said goodbye and thanks to Claire, Regina, and Dave, and hit the road for the ride back to Schertz. A little different route, but the biggest change from Sunday was the amount of traffic. I also passed a cement plant and two quarries that had a constant stream of trucks coming and going. The good thing about that is that the shoulders were mostly good and even where they weren’t, the motorists were respectful and gave me a wide berth. There are a lot of cyclists in this area, so seeing me wasn’t unexpected.

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