Another good day. 47.8 mi, 2688 ft of climbing from Rimouski to Trois Pistoles.

beautiful day, didn’t have to do an early start, nice weather, moderate headwinds (at least until the afternoon) but also I’ve been a bit of going up. I didn’t say climbing because at one point John asked if we were actually going up, and I replied yes for another mile and a half at 1% grade. There were some harder sections including one about 7% right out of the gate from Rimouski, but nothing that challenging.

What got us was the road changing to gravel for about 5 mi at the top of our biggest climb, despite all the mapping tools saying it was paved. Was a bit rough but we made it and the scenery made up for the rough road.

For the ride back from Rimouski, we picked a route somewhat off the beaten path but definitely not along the coast. It was good not to backtrack too much. This time we were in the interior of the peninsula, lots of pine forests and very solitary farms.

The host we had in Trois Pistoles on the way out to Gaspé wasn’t available and neither were any other warm showers hosts so we are camping the municipal camping ground. It’s just a short trip to the ferry will be taking tomorrow to the North shore of the St Lawrence. More on that tomorrow or the next day. What we do know is what we camping for two nights and if the weatherman’s not wrong again Will be a little bit wet.