A perfect weather night, warm and breezy and didn’t require getting into the sleeping bag. The sunset was cloud covered but still pretty nice. John reported having trouble getting to sleep in the campground and I concurred. Our plan was to get up at 5 and on the road at 6, and we were actually on the bike at 6:20, so not too bad. Today was as the title says, lots of rolling hills and lots of climbs.
Lots. And while the weather was nice and the winds light, it was again a lot of climbing in full sun. We were both tired enough when we got to Rivière-au-Renard-Ouest, we changed our route to take the shortest way to Gaspé which also, we duly noted, was one long gradual climb compared to the 11%-13% grades we were navigation
We actually made it to the town of Gaspé and we have gone East as far as we will. The St. Lawrence changed from light waves lapping the shore to waves crashing as it is essentially the sea and is now called the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It was kind of funny on the last hundred or so miles to see “Seaside Hotel” and “Ocean Camping” signs, indicating the locals think it is “oceanic.”
60.5 miles today and 4688 up. 783.5 miles total and 25,161 feet of climbing. in 13 days. Not a great picture day but did get a few.