August 7, 2022 on

Day 100+ – Final Thoughts and Thank Yous

It’s been a week and a day since my return on day 99 last Sunday, November 13. A slow week, as I was in bed or resting for most of it. I caught a cold that hit full force on Monday, and on Tuesday, I went to the doc to get tested to make sure it wasn’t COVID, RSV, or the Flu. Thankfully, it was none of those, but that didn’t dissipate the symptoms at all. It was Saturday before I really felt like rejoining the world. I did that by visiting my friend Evelyn to watch the PSU-Rutgers game. Also, my second welcoming event was this ➡

I love snow! A bit early, but still love it. As I’m writing this a week later, it’s still on the ground, too. Could be a long winter.

None of that dampened my memories of the past three months on this wonderous trip I made. As with any human endeavor, I was far from being alone in the effort. I pushed the pedals, yes, but a lot happened to get me there and back, and to keep me on the road. What follows is, I hope, a comprehensive list of everyone who helped me on this journey.

In Memorium

I had these friends and family who we’ve lost in the last few years in mind while preparing for, and while on my trip:

  • Ed Demento
  • Bob Sheldon
  • Bob Bloomfield
  • Ann Nicholas
  • Lynn Drafall
  • Mark Armagost
  • Dan Sterns
  • Shawn Cypher

Pre-ride help and holding down the home fort

  • Sarah Rito, so much help prepping the house, packing, cleaning, dehumidifying, plumbing, and mail sorting and forwarding!
  • Aaron Rito, packing and prepping and hosting and driving me and my bike to/from the Loveland Pass climbs, Alison Kraus & Robert Plant at Red Rocks, and San Francisco!
  • Freeze Thaw Cycles: Justin, Chris, Harry, & Paul, for the bike and gear help.
  • Chris Fahey — packing help, moral support and much more.
  • Matt Donovan & Sarah, Xavier, & Luka for the ride that started us off, packing, and doing home maintenance while I’m gone.
  • Doris Walls — house prep, and a great, easy meal when everything was packed away.
  • Sally Sherman — house prep and packing and keeping Dana company while I was gone.
  • Sherry Davidson, my boss at Ben Franklin Tech Partners, for clearing all the PSU hurdles to actually get retired.

Warm Showers Hosts

  • Jannette Burns, Lexington, KY
  • Mark Scrivner, Kansas City, MO
  • Jonella DeLimas, Lincoln, NE
  • Bret & Nora Hess, Provo, UT
  • Austin & Emily Taylor, Salt Lake City UT
  • Bob Mandelson, Sacramento, CA
  • Tim & Jess Ledlie, Portland, OR
  • John Wider, Torrance, CA
  • James & Sonya Malusa, Tucson, AZ

Road Angels

  • James Walker, Pennsboro WV, Hosting
  • Officer Dan, Paris KY, Bicycle guarding and advice.
  • A guy on a side road in eastern Kansas with directions to paved roads
  • Denise, John & Ralph, Paris KY, found/provided Dana and I with a campground
  • Chili & Peggy Cornellas, San Antonio TX, Hosting and guided tours and transport.

Friends and Family Hosts and Visits

  • Eric, Angela, and Emma Nord, Greenville, IL
  • Jean and Mark Wagner, St. Charles, MO
  • Aaron Rito, Denver CO & San Francisco CA (via Christina)
  • Chuck and Susie Anderson, Boulder, CO
  • Hannah Hanlon, San Jose, CA
  • John Richers, Watsonville CA That’s where we met. John is from Fresno, CA
  • John Wider, Torrance, CA (yes, also Warm Showers, but so much more than that now)
  • Leslie and Greg Stone, Rolling Hills Estates, CA
  • Sharon and Mary Jane Deegan, North Hollywood, CA
  • Asa Tait, Hollywood, CA
  • Paul and Sue Barsom, Silver City, NM
  • Claire, Regina, and Dave Miller, Austin, TX
  • Chili & Peggy Cornellas, San Antonio TX, (Again, now much more than Road Angels!)
  • Karen Armagost and M.A. Sheehan, New Orleans, LA
  • Lisa Wandel and Peggy Johnson; cross-countries crossing paths in NOLA.
  • Dave and Kathy Kehring, Parkville, MD

My Oregon/California Coast Friends

  • Harald, near Nuremburg, Germany
  • John Mikulkis, Seattle WA
  • Luke Williams, Lake District, England
  • Hendrika Spykerman, Niagra Falls, Canada

Stats (+/-)

  • 3,905 Cycling Miles
  • 5,484 Amtrak Miles
  • 161,735 feet of climbing
  • 310 hours moving time

And, my cycling through life partner, Dana Miller, who said, “Go!”

Thank you, my sweet, for always being there, whether on the bike, or the phone, or a text. I wouldn’t have stuck it out without your encouragement.

Nor without your help with the packing and cleaning and finding house sitters and toting fencing and…


I’m not done, yet, but hoping I can get those last five states in with Dana, and get all the one’s she hasn’t cycled in yet.


  1. Hendrika Spykerman

    it is good to be back home and off the bike ( for a little while). dear Paul, i thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog!
    i am wondering if you could send me an email address so we can stay in touch.
    warm hugs

    • Hugh Mose

      Hi, Paul,

      I just now got around to reading your final “wrap-up” post from your great bicycling adventure. What a nice touch to thank the dozens of people who supported you – one way or another – along the way. And your multiple thank-yous to Dana was the icing on the cake! Thanks for letting me come along with you, virtually. It’s been a great ride!


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